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Personal Hell

This little thing is available both here and there.
Right now. It’s already told to be Poe-ish looking and vintage sounding.
I can’t disagree with either. Have a listen HERE.

Shine on.

PS. Did I hear anyone ask for lyrics?

Personal Hell

It’s not me
It’s you
Now I see how it all
Points back at you

It was all inside your head
It was nothing that I said
I really feel for you
But there’s nothing more that I can do

This is goodbye
I wish you well
Personal hell
I need you no more
No more
This is farewell
Personal hell
I need you no more

It was always you
And I know that you know that I know that it’s true
I know my eyes still appear wondrously blue
But I’m through with you

It was all inside your head
It was nothing that I said
It was never easy to be around you
I always bit off more than I could chew

This is goodbye
I wish you well
Personal hell
I need you no more
No more
This is farewell
Personal hell
I need you no more

You scream when you sleep
Cause your pain is real
But you carry on
Why I do not know
But you do
Me, I’m through with that shit

This is goodbye
I wish you well
Personal hell
I need you no more
Never ever again
This is farewell
Personal hell
I need you no more

This is goodbye
Personal hell
This is farewell
Personal hell

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