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Lacrimosa Lovers Community( - The Lacrimosa Fanpage) Code of Conduct
The Lacrimosa Lovers community is a space for fans of the band Lacrimosa to connect, share their passion, and engage in discussions. To maintain a welcoming and respectful atmosphere, we ask all members to adhere to the following guidelines.

Be Respectful:
Treat fellow members with kindness and respect. Avoid offensive language, personal attacks, or harassment.
Disagreements are natural, but express your opinions civilly and avoid escalating conflicts.
Stay On Topic:
Keep discussions related to Lacrimosa, music, and relevant topics.
Avoid spamming or promoting unrelated content.
No Hate Speech or Discrimination:
Do not engage in hate speech, racism, sexism, or any form of discrimination.
Celebrate diversity and appreciate different perspectives.
Avoid Self-Promotion:
While sharing your love for Lacrimosa is encouraged, refrain from excessive self-promotion or spamming.
Respect the community’s focus on the band.
Privacy and Personal Information:
Do not share personal information about yourself or others.
Respect privacy boundaries.
Report Violations:
If you encounter behavior that violates these guidelines, report it to the moderators.
Moderators will address violations promptly.
Violations of this code of conduct may result in warnings, temporary suspension, or permanent removal from the community.

Remember, Lacrimosa Lovers is a place to celebrate music and connect with fellow fans. Let’s create a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone!

Privacy Policy: The Tasty Cookie Edition

Welcome to our delightful corner of the internet! 

At, we take your privacy as seriously as we take our chocolate chip cookies. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Cookie Collection: We collect cookies. Not just the digital kind, but also the gooey, warm-from-the-oven kind. Our servers are powered by cookie crumbs, and our developers occasionally break into spontaneous cookie dances. 

  2. Tracking: We track your cookie preferences. If you prefer oatmeal raisin over double chocolate, we’ll remember that. But don’t worry, we won’t follow you around the web like a persistent cookie crumb. 

  3. Third-Party Cookies: Occasionally, we invite third-party cookies to our virtual tea party. They’re usually well-behaved, but sometimes they get a little crumbly. 

  4. Sharing Your Cookies: We promise not to share your actual cookies with anyone (unless you ask us to). However, we might share aggregated cookie data with our analytics team. They love pie charts almost as much as we love snickerdoodles. 

  5. Cookie Preferences: You can adjust your cookie preferences anytime. Want more sprinkles? Less tracking? Just let us know, and we’ll customize your cookie experience. 

  6. Cookie Consent: By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. If you don’t, we’ll send you a virtual cookie bouquet to sweeten the deal. 

Remember, our cookies are calorie-free, guilt-free, and guaranteed to make you smile. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Otherwise, grab a virtual cookie, and let’s explore the digital bakery together! 

Enjoy your stay at!

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