Celebrate the Darkness
Today's trailer has the full impact! It contains excerpts from the new title "Celebrate the Darkness" and it reveals the wonderful, new album cover! In addition, "Leidenschaft" can now be pre-ordered, and this with a surprise! Take a look at the link in the bio!
source: lacrimosa_official

source: lacrimosa_official
CD Digipak – 10 Tracks – 55 Min.
(Tracklist follows)
Attention, all orders for "Leidenschaft" that reach us until December 17th, can get their CD signed by Tilo & Anne.
To enter your wish for the signature (like "for Gaby"), please
DO NOT USE the "Paypal Direct-Button", but place your order through the normal shopping Basket. On the last page, you'll be able to enter your wish in the comment field. Please put only your signature wish in there.
The CDs will be signed around Dec 21th. Please understand that - except for Germany - the CD will unliekly reach you before Christmas. But we'll do our best!
