Geschrieben am .


Shadow Greetings,

Corto y dulce.

Inusual y melódico.

Muchas guitarras y otras cosas buenas.

Ah, sí... Probablemente debería mencionar que la canción principal está etiquetada con una E (de Explicit Lyrics, letra explícita) en todas las plataformas de streaming. Así que... si te provoca el lenguaje fuerte, probablemente deberías evitar escucharla.

escúchalo! - SPOTIFY.


They Tried To Destroy Beauty

They tried to destroy beauty
But I will bring it back
Everytime that they try it
They really tried to destroy beauty
For you and me
At first you could not see

They tried to destroy beauty
But I will bring it back
Everytime that those fucking motherfuckers
Trying to ruin it
And they keep doing it
And they seem to love doing it
I say, no more

They tried to destroy beauty
But I will bring it back
Everytime that they try it
They really tried to destroy beauty
For you and me
Even the blind could see
This atrocity

Without spirit, without soul
Without heart, they are cold
Stone cold

But I had enough this time
They’re totally out of their minds
They crossed the line
When they tried to destroy beauty


Escrita, compuesta y arreglada por Henrik Flyman.

Fecha de lanzamiento: April 3, 2024

Shine on.


PS. La luz hace descansar suavemente a la oscuridad.